Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Book of Enoch

I found a copy of The Book of Enoch for Kindle so I have been quickly reading parts of it. I have not found time yet to do a detailed reading. This book explains what Enoch saw while he walked with God. In addition, it contains The Book of Noah in which Enoch fills Noah in on what has happened. This book answers many of the questions I had, including...
   What were the people doing that was so bad God decided to kill them all?
   Where did they learn all these evil ways?
   Why did the people follow God? Only so he would not smite them?
   When Enoch and Noah walked with God where did they go?

This book gives me a better idea of why the story of the flood takes place, and why God is being so hard on everyone. It turns out that angels came to Earth, had children with women, and taught people things they should not know. They were up to trouble and they were actually the ones who created the entire mess.
This is not to imply that all angels are bad, there are stories of good ones as well.

It also has a great description of what happens to people when they die. Also included is where knowledge comes from. Bonus, it is written from the perspective of Enoch and Noah; as if they wrote it. It's like their adventure to the great beyond.

I am flipping through the part on astronomy now, but I really have to get back to the books that are included in the Bible. It really seems like there is a giant gap in the story without this book. My next question is why would they take all this out? It's really not hard to imagine that some people would not like this book. In the story, angels teach humans about enchantments, charms, and about plants. (Ch 7:1-2). Also, remember all the giants they keep mentioning? Those were the children of the angels and women, and they were trouble! "...whose height was three thousand ells:Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood"(Ch 7:3-6). Drinking blood? So is this how the vampire stories started?


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